President Bush just submitted a budget for 2008 of 3.1 trillion dollars. We all know how government spending can expand exponentially. We know how our waist can expand exponentially, and we know how our health problems seem to expand exponential. When it rains it pours.
This is that old assembly line phenomenon. One mistake leads to another and so on until the end product is a mess. What I discovered in writing this book was that this same expanding chaos works in reverse. If every problem you solve prevents a cascade of additional problems and events, you have begun to reverse the ripple effect.
That’s how this book works. Let’s look at an example. Your D level is low. You get depressed in the winter. Your job performance sags. You skip your workouts because you don’t have the stamina. You put on weight. Your back starts to hurt. Your clothes don’t fit. You have to buy more clothes. Your performance review is lousy. Your mood drops further. You have an argument with your spouse. Etc…Etc…Etc… Now multiply that scenario by 10 years. Wow! That’s not a ripple, it’s a Tsunami!
Now let’s throw it in reverse. You buy the book. You start taking vitamin D. Your mood improves. Your stamina improves. You start to work out again. You’re smiling at work. You’re job performance improves. You lose enough weight to fit in your old clothes. You make up with your spouse.
Your improvements convince him to start taking vitamin D. He has more stamina and begins working out with you. He loses weight and looks terrific! Your relationship gets its groove thing back. Your friends are asking what you guys are doing to look and feel so good. You pass the good news on to them. You guessed it, the same things start happening to them. The ripple effect is in full reverse.
The people closest to you can benefit tremendously from your healthy choices. Seize the opportunity to be the good example. Take a leadership role. Ever seen how “THE WAVE” begins in a stadium. It starts with one person. That person stands up and convinces the group around him to stand and shout. After a couple of tries the wave makes it out of your section. A couple of tries later its goes around the entire stadium. From one person to tens of thousands of people around the country; the ripple effect in reverse.
Let’s get it started. Know your risk for vitamin D deficiency, normalize your D-level, change your diet, and start moving. We can at least cut the health care costs out of the 3.1 trillion dollar budget. I estimate that to be about 500 billion dollars saved.