Through his groundbreaking research with the Arthritis Institute of Michigan, rheumatologist Dr. James Dowd discovered that many of his patients suffered from vitamin D deficiency, and that most of us need far more vitamin D than previously believed. When Dr. Dowd wrote The Vitamin D Cure, he set out to change the lives of patients and countless others who found themselves in a daily struggle with fatigue and pain, and an overall feeling of being sick and tired. We absorb vitamin D from fresh fruits and vegetables, and food that have been fortified with added vitamins. Our bodies produce vitamin D when our bare skin is exposed to sunlight. For many, this rush of vitamin D acts as a natural mood elevator, keeping seasonal depression at bay. For adults in warm and sunny climates, longer growing seasons and abundant sunshine make it easier to get an adequate amount of vitamin D. For men and women in colder climates, getting sufficient amounts of this essential nutrient can be challenging. In the summer months, we consume more fruits and vegetables and spend more time outside, raising our vitamin D absorption and elevating mood. In the winter months, cold weather forces us to spend more time indoors, and our vitamin D levels drop. This vitamin deficiency can make you feel tired, depressed and sore. Patients report a general sense of fatigue and sadness, especially feeling dissatisfaction with relationships and activities that used to bring them a sense of joy.
Increasing the amount of vitamin D in your body can cure or help treat a remarkable number of diseases and ailments, including, loss of sleep, headaches, depression, uncontrolled weight gain, gum disease and tooth loss, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, back pain, muscle cramps, obesity, many types of arthritis, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, heart disease and diabetes. Through recipes, meal plans and the latest information on studies relating to vitamin D deficiency, Dr. James Dowd shares what he has learned in his 20 years of intensive study and effective treatment, and helps you regain your sense of well being.
Dr. James Dowd provides life-changing care for arthritis patients and those suffering from rheumatologic and autoimmune diseases that cause swelling and pain. At their specially-designed facility in Brighton, Michigan, Dr. Dowd and the Arthritis Institute of Michigan provide treatments based on the latest research in a comforting, personalized setting. Learn more about Dr. James Dowd and read an excerpt of The Vitamin D Cure. Let Dr. James Dowd and his remarkable staff get you started on a path to a better quality of life through better nutrition and expert care.