I saw a documentary titled King Corn on PBS this past weekend, produced by independent film makers Curt Ellis and Ian Cheney. Their film is a personal experience with American agriculture, specifically the corn industry. They leased and acre of land and planted corn to sell for feed and corn syrup. Many of the messages in their film recall the messages in the Vitamin D Cure.
There is a segment that talks about the use of corn to feed livestock. They reveal that the time livestock spend in feed lots has tripled over the last 20 years from 6 weeks to 4-6 months. The sole purpose of the feed lot is to fatten beef cattle for slaughter. Corn accounts for 60 percent of the content of silage. Feed lots are purposefully densely populated with cattle so they cannot move to burn calories. They fatten up faster that way.
The longer they keep cattle in feed lots the sicker they get, as witnessed by newsreels from 4 months ago. In King Corn they tell us what makes them sick, ACIDOSIS. In the Vitamin D Cure we talk about acidosis due to our consumption of grain and dairy, both of which produce inordinate amounts of acid. In cattle this acidosis is in part driven by the overgrowth of fermenting bacteria in the large intestine. In cattle they control overgrowth of these bugs by adding antibiotics to the feed.
They interviewed Loren Cordain, who also provided a comment for the cover of the Vitamin D Cure. In typical hamburger meat 65 percent of the calories are from saturated fat due to the corn and other grains fed to cattle. The same thing happens to humans. Our consumption of processed grains in our diet fattens us up as well. The consumption of one can of soda pop a day sweetened with high fructose corn syrup will double your risk of diabetes.
Grain is inexpensive nasty, nasty stuff. Don’t eat it! Raw corn meal gluten in bulk is a great fertilizer that suppresses/kills weed growth. That’s a better use than on your dinner plate. Check out this weed killer. Wheat germ agglutinin is no better and is the cause of Celiac disease in patients who are gluten intolerant.
Do yourself of favor, eat green instead of grain. It is alkaline by nature, contains no agglutinins. It selects for the growth of healthy bacteria in your gut just like it does in cattle. Consume lean meats especially wild caught fish and green vegetables. Make these foods the staples of your diet, the Vitamin D Cure Diet.