Dr. James Dowd is a renowned expert of all things vitamin D. He is an Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine at Michigan State University College of Human Medicine. Dr. Dowd is also the founder and director of both the Arthritis Institute of Michigan, and the Michigan Arthritis Research Center. He … [Read more...]
Information and Resources on Arthritis
When you're faced with an arthritis diagnosis, it can feel like you are alone in a strange, new land. You want to make good medical choices, but there is so much to learn—and a bit of uncertainty. Having some solid resources to turn to for information can give you something to focus on … [Read more...]
Get Out and Live: Benefits of Enjoying the Sun
With so many messages telling us to avoid direct sun exposure to protect our skin from harmful UV rays, it's easy to miss out on an important nutrient. Vitamin D is responsible for helping our bodies use calcium from our diets, making it essential for strong bones. Traditionally, vitamin D … [Read more...]
Surprising Benefits of Vitamin D
We have all seen foods in the market that have been fortified with vitamin D, but too many of us don’t understand how this powerful nutrient can enhance and protect our health. Vitamin D is produced by our bodies when bare skin is exposed to sunlight. Widespread sunscreen used to prevent … [Read more...]
Vitamin D Deficiency? Look at Your Health Issues
At steadily increasing rates, Americans report they feel achy, sick and tired. If you are among those dealing with daily pain and fatigue, there is a simple but important nutrient you may be missing. Mayo Clinic researchers looked at the vitamin D level of patients who had … [Read more...]
Shooting Down Vitamin D Myths
The debate surrounding the proper dosing and the importance of Vitamin D has been ongoing for decades. Research has shown that Vitamin D has tremendous health benefits, including helping to prevent and alleviate chronic disease like diabetes and, elevate mood, regulate digestive function and … [Read more...]
A Look Inside ‘The Vitamin D Cure’ by Dr. James Dowd
Through his groundbreaking research with the Arthritis Institute of Michigan, rheumatologist Dr. James Dowd discovered that many of his patients suffered from vitamin D deficiency, and that most of us need far more vitamin D than previously believed. When Dr. Dowd wrote The Vitamin D … [Read more...]
Dr. Dowd and the Arthritis Institute of Michigan: Making a Difference
When Dr. James Dowd founded the Arthritis Institute of Michigan, he made it his mission to create a treatment center that is focused on the specialized needs of patients with rheumatologic diseases that affect the musculoskeletal system, and systemic autoimmune conditions that affect the bones, … [Read more...]
How Dr. Dowd and the Arthritis Institute of Michigan differ from Traditional Rheumatologists
Rheumatologists are medical doctors who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and systemic autoimmune conditions that affect the bones, joints, muscles and spine; these disorders have been commonly referred to as rheumatoid diseases. Autoimmune diseases … [Read more...]
Iodine Questions
Here is what the data shows. According to the World Health Organization, the USA is on average borderline 'excess' in iodine for all but a subset of people. http://www.who.int/vmnis/iodine/status/summary/severity_color.pdf?ua=1 [4] This is due to a combination of excess salty food … [Read more...]