Remember the type of suns rays that are necessary for vitamin D production (UVB) are only available between spring blossoms and fall colors. This season is long in the Southern United States but here in Michigan late April to May marks the beginning of the vitamin D season. Allergies come with … [Read more...]
Winter Solstice, Christmas, and The New Year
Vitamin D production requires ultraviolet B spectrum light (280-315 nm wavelength). Cholesterol from our diet and that produced in our liver is modified then transported to the skin where it is stereochemically altered by UVB light and heat, returned to the liver and further modified to 25-hydroxy … [Read more...]
Stand Up 2 Cancer – The Solution
I briefly watched the three network program aired on September 5th entitled Stand Up 2 Cancer. Hollywood sure knows how to put on a fundraiser, and raise money fast. All the money they raised goes to the Entertainment Industry Foundation. The EIF then grants money for research and education. Let’s … [Read more...]
Sudden Cardiac Death
Last week saw the publication of another study associating heart attacks with very low vitamin D levels this time in men. Dr. Giovannucci analyzed the Health Professions Cohort followed at Harvard University and found that men with vitamin D levels below 15 ng/mL had twice as many heart attacks as … [Read more...]
Lose 2 Sizes in 2 Months to Wear that 2 Piece
Will you fit into that swimsuit this summer? How can you lose 20 pounds in two months? How committed are you to the changes necessary to not just reshape your body but reshape your health? These are some critical questions for many women this time of year. Let’s see if we can’t simplify the equation … [Read more...]
The Finally Four Stars
Last year the FDA approved new labeling for sunscreens that block UVA light. Finally we have a four star system to block UVA. We are all familiar with the sun protection factor (SPF) system. These products were designed to block UVB light. Thirty-five years ago and up until just recently it was … [Read more...]