The Vitamin D Cure is a powerful tool of exploration for anyone who hopes to pursue a better, healthier life. In it, Dr. James Dowd explains how anyone can enjoy the benefits of stronger bones, an enhanced immune system, and defense against obesity among others while simultaneously fighting off … [Read more...]
Vitamin D Deficiency? Look at Your Health Issues
At steadily increasing rates, Americans report they feel achy, sick and tired. If you are among those dealing with daily pain and fatigue, there is a simple but important nutrient you may be missing. Mayo Clinic researchers looked at the vitamin D level of patients who had … [Read more...]
A Look Inside ‘The Vitamin D Cure’ by Dr. James Dowd
Through his groundbreaking research with the Arthritis Institute of Michigan, rheumatologist Dr. James Dowd discovered that many of his patients suffered from vitamin D deficiency, and that most of us need far more vitamin D than previously believed. When Dr. Dowd wrote The Vitamin D … [Read more...]
Dr. Dowd and the Arthritis Institute of Michigan: Making a Difference
When Dr. James Dowd founded the Arthritis Institute of Michigan, he made it his mission to create a treatment center that is focused on the specialized needs of patients with rheumatologic diseases that affect the musculoskeletal system, and systemic autoimmune conditions that affect the bones, … [Read more...]
The Vitamin D Cure Blog is now the Dr. James Dowd Blog
Recipe of the Month Remember our recipes are courtesy of Chef Kelly ( ). Grilled Halibut & Romaine Salad with Beet-Carrot Slaw Makes 4 Servings Ingredients: 1 lemon, sliced 4 (4-6 oz.) fillets of halibut (or other steak-like fish, swordfish, tuna, etc.) Salt … [Read more...]
When The Leaves are Falling Vitamin D Levels are Falling
Look for the New Revised Edition of The Vitamin D Cure in bookstores and online in June 2012! It has 15 new recipes and an all new 2 week menu along with revised chapters on the immune system, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. It will make a great Holiday gift for your loved ones. When The … [Read more...]
New Vitamin D Recommendations Miss the Mark
The Institute of Medicine released its updated recommended daily intakes of calcium and vitamin D on November 30th. In summary they INCREASED the required vitamin D intake, DECREASED the required calcium intake, and RAISED the maximum safe intake of vitamin D. There recommendations are complicated … [Read more...]
Vitamin D, Dementia, and Parkinson Disease – A September to Remember
Vitamin D plays an important role in the formation, function, and protection of the nervous system. Extremely low vitamin D levels are associated with depressed mood, chronic pain from osteomalacia, lower seizure thresholds, and dementia. In the September blog we present more observational data from … [Read more...]
How much sunshine should I get to make enough Vitamin D?
The Vitamin D Cure is a breakthrough self-help book that takes the most recent scientific ideas and provides a practical program to promote the reader’s health. Here is some of what the Vitamin D Cure provides: • Explains how vitamin D works in health and how deficiency causes disease. • … [Read more...]
Boneing Up on Osteoporosis
I recently touched base with a colleague, Dr. Howard Schubiner who has helped me understand chronic pain as it relates to stress. We collaborated on a study looking at cognitive behavioral techniques to facilitate the ‘unlearning’ of pain pathways. He has a new book out titled, Unlearn Your Pain: A … [Read more...]