Much of medicine, health, and the food industry focus on bacteria as a source of disease. The general message the public gets is more bugs are more problems. Kill the bugs, solve the problem. Unfortunately this message fails to inform us that without bugs we would not exist. Bacteria and viruses are … [Read more...]
Sudden Cardiac Death
Last week saw the publication of another study associating heart attacks with very low vitamin D levels this time in men. Dr. Giovannucci analyzed the Health Professions Cohort followed at Harvard University and found that men with vitamin D levels below 15 ng/mL had twice as many heart attacks as … [Read more...]
Revisiting Insulin
Two very important diabetes research studies were published in the New England Journal of Medicine this week, the ACCORD and ADVANCE studies. See this editorial reviewing this research or download both studies to read the complete articles. The message is clear. Higher insulin levels lead to … [Read more...]
King Corn, King Acid
I saw a documentary titled King Corn on PBS this past weekend, produced by independent film makers Curt Ellis and Ian Cheney. Their film is a personal experience with American agriculture, specifically the corn industry. They leased and acre of land and planted corn to sell for feed and corn syrup. … [Read more...]
Lose 2 Sizes in 2 Months to Wear that 2 Piece
Will you fit into that swimsuit this summer? How can you lose 20 pounds in two months? How committed are you to the changes necessary to not just reshape your body but reshape your health? These are some critical questions for many women this time of year. Let’s see if we can’t simplify the equation … [Read more...]
The Finally Four Stars
Last year the FDA approved new labeling for sunscreens that block UVA light. Finally we have a four star system to block UVA. We are all familiar with the sun protection factor (SPF) system. These products were designed to block UVB light. Thirty-five years ago and up until just recently it was … [Read more...]
Health Evangelist
The word evangelist means, “One who brings good news.” I am here to bring good news about your health. We were on the 700 Club this past week with another evangelist Pat Robertson. Watch our show using the links below to see what bok choy, Swiss chard, and collard greens look like. They will help … [Read more...]
The Blues and The Flu
The numbers of people with seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and influenza reach their peak in February and March. This year has been particularly bad for the flu. Much of this has to do with the vaccine being somewhat less effective against this year’s strain of influenza. But, this winter has also … [Read more...]
Violence and Vitamins
The shootings on the college campuses in northern Illinois and last year in West Virginia by former students with psychiatric histories are tragic. We analyze the parents and interview them in hopes of finding clues, only to find that in most cases they are no different than you and me. Why did … [Read more...]
The Ripple Effect In Reverse
President Bush just submitted a budget for 2008 of 3.1 trillion dollars. We all know how government spending can expand exponentially. We know how our waist can expand exponentially, and we know how our health problems seem to expand exponential. When it rains it pours. This is that old assembly … [Read more...]