Rheumatology is rapidly evolving. A subspecialty of internal medicine devoted to rheumatic diseases, their diagnosis and therapy, this specialty focuses on joints, muscles, bones and organs affected by these diseases. Rheumatic diseases are painful, varied and often impossible to cure however, with a skilled, professional rheumatologist, the symptoms can often be managed and a normal life may once again be achieved.
Many people with rheumatic diseases have suffered for years, attempting to manage pain with medications and trying to live a normal life. New advances in rheumatology are showing that there is much more to managing pain and the disease than medication alone, for example, the relationship to Vitamin D levels and joint pain, depression and its impacts on our bodies as a whole. Each year, groups, organizations and specialists such as Dr. Dowd continue looking at new ways to treat and manage the symptoms of rheumatic conditions.
Board certified in integrative holistic medicine as well as adult rheumatology and pediatric rheumatology, Dr. Dowd completed his undergraduate studies in 1983 from Texas A&M and in 1987, received his medical degree from the University of Texas Health Science Center. He was fellowship trained in combined adult and pediatric rheumatology at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center and Texas Scottish Rite Hospital in Dallas, Texas. The American College of Rheumatology awarded Dr. Dowd with a Physician-Scientist Development Award for his research on superantigens in 1993. Whether you suffer from osteoarthritis or lupus, inflammatory diseases or rheumatoid arthritis, we understand your pain and are here to help you.
Rheumatologist Howell MI
Having a rheumatic disease is painful, but it does not have to be the end of a normal life. With the correct balance of treatments, therapy and the good life choices provided by a rheumatic specialist like Dr. Dowd, life can continue. A good majority of our clients come from Howell to see Dr. Dowd. Understanding the need for a rheumatologist in Howell MI, the Arthritis Institute of Michigan is located in Brighton, just 20 miles from Howell and is accepting new patients. If you live in or near Howell MI and need assistance from an experienced rheumatologist, contact Dr. Dowd to set up an appointment at 1.810.225.7553 or simply fill out the form below.