The Institute of Medicine released its updated recommended daily intakes of calcium and vitamin D on November 30th. In summary they INCREASED the required vitamin D intake, DECREASED the required calcium intake, and RAISED the maximum safe intake of vitamin D. There recommendations are complicated … [Read more...]
Your Health is in the D-Tales
The month of January should see some upgrades to the website allowing me to keep the information current. We have decided to streamline the information by consolidating the newsletter and the blog. The enhanced blog will now have a recipe of the month, vitamin D and health news, and commentary split … [Read more...]
Winter Solstice, Christmas, and The New Year
Vitamin D production requires ultraviolet B spectrum light (280-315 nm wavelength). Cholesterol from our diet and that produced in our liver is modified then transported to the skin where it is stereochemically altered by UVB light and heat, returned to the liver and further modified to 25-hydroxy … [Read more...]