Vitamin D plays an important role in the formation, function, and protection of the nervous system. Extremely low vitamin D levels are associated with depressed mood, chronic pain from osteomalacia, lower seizure thresholds, and dementia. In the September blog we present more observational data from … [Read more...]
How much sunshine should I get to make enough Vitamin D?
The Vitamin D Cure is a breakthrough self-help book that takes the most recent scientific ideas and provides a practical program to promote the reader’s health. Here is some of what the Vitamin D Cure provides: • Explains how vitamin D works in health and how deficiency causes disease. • … [Read more...]
Processing Your Own Food
Should I eat my vegetables raw or cooked? If I am taking an acid suppressing drug for my stomach, how does this affect digestion? These are some recurring questions I have been asked over the last year. Let’s ask Mother Nature. Ruminant or grazing animals have lots of large flat teeth for chewing … [Read more...]
Happy Valentines Day!
Do something sexy for your special someone. Give them vitamin D. It will boost their mood, memory, muscle strength, and immune system while reducing their risk for high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, cancer, and death from all causes. Recipe of the Month Milanese-Style … [Read more...]