At steadily increasing rates, Americans report they feel achy, sick and tired. If you are among those dealing with daily pain and fatigue, there is a simple but important nutrient you may be missing. Mayo Clinic researchers looked at the vitamin D level of patients who had unexplained widespread musculoskeletal pain for a long time, they found that 93 percent had vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to a growing number chronic diseases and health issues. If you have been struggling with restless sleep, high blood pressure, poor concentration and memory, muscle pain or weakness, joint pain or swelling, chronic pain, uncontrolled weight gain, headaches, or bowel problems–including constipation, diarrhea or both, you may be surprised to know that all of these symptoms are related to vitamin D deficiency, and can be relieved by raising your vitamin D levels. Vitamin D deficiency has also been linked to chronic disease, including cancer, diabetes, heart disease, metabolic syndrome, fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s disease, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease, obesity, gum disease and tooth loss, arthritis, including osteoarthritis, gout, pseudogout, tendinitis, bursitis, autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis, and systemic lupus.
In addition to physical symptoms, individuals with vitamin D deficiency may experience increased episodes of depression, especially in the winter months. According to the National Institutes of Health, Seasonal Affective Disorder , or SAD, is a type of depression with a seasonal pattern. People who live in northern climates where winters last longer, are deprived of the sun exposure that promotes vitamin D production in our bodies and support optimal health.
In The Vitamin D Cure, Dr. James Dowd reveals a simple but effective plan for restoring vitamin D levels to support better overall health, and ease the symptoms of disease. Dr. Dowd explains that we get vitamin from fresh fruits and vegetables, and our bodies naturally produce vitamin D when our bare skin is exposed to the sun. For those in sunny climates, the use of sun block can make it difficult to get enough vitamin D. For men and women in colder climates, longer winters make it difficult to maintain access to adequate amounts of fresh produce and get enough sunlight–leaving us deficient, aching, and depressed.
Through a simple but effective treatment plan that includes dietary supplements and nutritional counseling, Dr. James Dowd can help you get started on the path back to good health. Call 1.810.225.7553 to get started, or or click here to make an appointment online.